Read my FREE book to find out how I make $85,000 - $100,000 a year as an aircraft mechanic and how you can too.
I just started my first job and I’m already making really good money...
"I just started my first job and I’m already making really good money..."
Great advice about how to get an A&P certificate...
"Great advice about how to get an A&P certificate..."
I never would’ve thought I didn’t have to go to school to be an aircraft technician!
"I never would’ve thought I didn’t have to go to school to be an aircraft technician!"
I thought I was too old to begin a new career but reading your book makes me understand that I can do it.
"I thought I was too old to begin a new career but reading your book makes me understand that I can do it."
Finally I have a career that I like...
"Finally I have a career that I like..."
I found your site when I was looking up what kind of salary I could have as an aircraft mechanic and I wanted to say thanks for all your help.
"I found your site when I was looking up what kind of salary I could have as an aircraft mechanic and I wanted to say thanks for all your help."
I just got out of the Navy and you helped me out a great deal...
"I just got out of the Navy and you helped me out a great deal..."
The Aircraft Mechanic Career is a big help if you’re thinking about training to become an aircraft maintenance technician.
"The Aircraft Mechanic Career is a big help if you’re thinking about training to become an aircraft maintenance technician."
Thanks for letting me know I can do this...
"Thanks for letting me know I can do this..."
After reading your book, now I want to be an aircraft mechanic.
"After reading your book, now I want to be an aircraft mechanic."
Thanks for sharing all of this great info!
"Thanks for sharing all of this great info!"
I became an aircraft mechanic 2 years ago and I love it...
"I became an aircraft mechanic 2 years ago and I love it..."
I’ve been a server for 4 years and can’t wait to get started in my new career.
"I’ve been a server for 4 years and can’t wait to get started in my new career."
Man, your book was exactly what I was looking for!
"Man, your book was exactly what I was looking for!"
I’m so glad I found your website before I went to college...
"I’m so glad I found your website before I went to college..."
Yo, thanks for all the good advice...
"Yo, thanks for all the good advice..."
Yo, thanks for all the good advice...
"Your book was an awesome read!"
Yo, thanks for all the good advice...
"Thanks for helping me out, so glad I contacted you..."
I almost paid $50,000 for school. Luckily I read your book before I went...
"I almost paid $50,000 for school. Luckily I read your book before I went..."

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What others have said about The Aircraft Mechanic Career series...

Austin, Aircraft Structures Mechanic

"Mr. Enomy, I read your book years ago and now work as a full-time structures mechanic. Right now I’m contracting and I’m taking home nearly $2,000 a week. The workload is heavy, but I actually really enjoy the work.

I’m sending you this email to say thanks. Your books helped me get my foot in the door and have a good career."

Thomas H., Pilot

"I’ve been a pilot for 15 years and I’ve thought before about getting my A&P license so I decided to get serious about it. The Aircraft Mechanic Career was great and had all of the information I needed. I thought the info was very focused and told me exactly what I need to do. I really like that.

I also enjoyed reading about your career. I’m looking forward to getting my A&P. Thanks for writing a concise and helpful book."

Keenan B., Future A&P Mechanic

"Mr. Enomy, I am following your advice and hopefully will have my A&P license soon so I can begin working as a full-time A&P mechanic. I’m thinking about going to California to work or maybe Florida. I just wannna be near the beach lol.

Anyway, thanks again for chatting with me and helping me get my license. Also thanks again for your book, it saved me a lot of time and money. Talk to you later..."

Candice W., Aircraft Mechanic Student

"I got your book because I saw an interview with you on another site and I thought you gave some really good advice. Your book has helped me immensely because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. The video was also awesome. It was cool to see aircraft mechanics at work in all the different things they do.

I’m definitely excited about the career I’m going to have after reading your books."

Joe Goddard, Avionics Technician

"Well I have to say you were right...this IS a good career! I became an avionics technician not long after reading your book, The Aircraft Mechanic Career, and I love it! After getting out of the military I knew I wanted to work in aviation maintenance and your book was the perfect resource. Thank you!"

Lucas Dominguez, A&P Apprentice

"Mark, I wanted to get back with you about what’s been going on. 3 weeks ago I started my job as an apprentice at a company here in Colorado. So far the work is really good and I’m learning a lot getting experience like you told me.

But the really cool thing is I’m already making some really good money because theres alot of work here. Last week I made $800 and as long as I stay working these same hours I should be able to keep making that much. That’s not even full starting pay!

I will send you another message in a few weeks. I really can’t say enough how much I appreciate your help. Thank you! Oh yeah here’s a pic of me standing in front of an engine!!!"

James Padden, Future Aircraft Mechanic

"I was looking at different aircraft mechanic schools before I read your book. I was going to have to take out student loans because I didn’t have the money to pay for school and I don’t have anybody that can help me.

Finding your book was a blessing. I can’t wait to get started and begin working on planes. It’s something that I’ve always dreamed of doing. Thank you for writing your book."

Joel Tirrell, Future Aircraft Mechanic

"I’ve worked in a warehouse for over 20 years and I just got laid off 6 months ago. I thought about going to school to be a airplane mechanic a long time ago but never went. Reading your book inspired me to become a mechanic even though I’m in my 40s. I didn’t think that was an option at this point. I’m real anxious to get started."

Rod H., A&P Instructor

"Hi Mark, I just finished reading The Aircraft Mechanic Career. I’ve been wrenchin on planes for over 40 years and have been working as an A&P instructor for nearly 15 years.

Your book is stuffed with good information and advice, and I’m going to include some of it in my course at the college. I have a lot of ideas and things I want to discuss after going through your material. Thanks for writing it. I know it will come in handy with my students."

Nigel Smith, Aircraft Interior Mechanic

"Your book was a life saver for me and my family. After I read it I found a company that was hiring interior mechanics and it was perfect since I didn’t have any experience.

The work is super easy and the pay is really good, much more than what I was making working in restaurants. Thank you so much for all the work you’ve done to help new mechanics like me. Take care and God bless!"

Aaron Dixon, Student

"I was looking for some information about becoming an aircraft maintenance engineer when I stumbled on your book The Aircraft Mechanic Career. It was a great read and really answered all of the questions I had."

Ricardo G., A&P Mechanic

"I’ve been an A&P technician for over 20 years. I love to read any books about aircraft maintenance, so I buy everyone I can find.

Your book was a good read and you give some rock-solid advice. If your book would have been around back when I became an AMT, the path would have been a lot easier."

Charisse T., Future Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

"I’ve loved flying and being around airplanes and helicopters since I was a little kid. When I graduated high school I didn’t really think about aviation when I went to college, and instead majored in Biology. I taught for a while here in Canada, but eventually decided that I might like to do work that is more hands-on.

That’s when I found your website and book, and it’s been a great help. I am now on my way to becoming an aircraft maintenance engineer, and I’m also thinking about getting my pilot’s license."

Gary Hunter, Operations Manager & Grandparent

"I bought your book because my grandson was thinking about going to college to work on airplanes. I figured it would make a good gift and help him decide on his career. I decided to give it a quick look before I passed it on and wow, not only is it great advice, it's a great read.

I think your book is perfect for not only young people just starting out like my grandson, but also for older people who might be looking for a new career."

Antonio Tapia, Aircraft Structures Mechanic

"Hi Mark, my name is Antonio Tapia. I got your book a few years ago and started my training right after I read it. I knew this career was for me and I would like doing it. I first started working at a mro in Louisiana then moved back home to Cali.

It’s been great first 3 years of my career. I really like the work. I do sheet metal work mostly on cargo planes but some with passenger.

I want to say thank you because without you book I might not got into this job."

Kerry Schrader, Future Aircraft Mechanic

"Mr. Enomy, I am sending you this message to tell you how much I appreciate your book. Your book is excellent for someone like me who is stuck in an unsatisfying job trying to find out how to do something that they truly would love to do."

Branson C., Avionics Technician

"The Aircraft Mechanic Career is the perfect book if you’re thinking about working in aviation maintenance. I’ve known Mark for many, many years and when he told me he was going to release a book I knew right then that it was going to be great and that it would help many, many people."

Mina S, Future Aircraft Mechanic

"As a single mother of 3 kids I have been looking for a new job that would pay a decent salary. It seems like I been looking forever but all the jobs I look into I would have to go to college and I just don’t have time for that.

I bought your book hoping it would get me somewhere and now I’m really thinking hard about doing this. The main thing is I don’t have to go to school.

I really thank you for writing your book and helping people like me. I’m thinking I will be able to start in around a month."

Rick M., A&P Instructor

"This is a great resource, especially for young people. I make all of my students buy a copy so we can review it in class. I even give them assignments based around information contained in the book."

Jayce Emerson, Future Avionics Technician

"I wasn’t sure what kind of requirements there were to be an aircraft mechanic until I read your book. Learning about all the different careers and things I can do gave me the exact info I was looking for. Now I’m planning on becoming an avionics technician."

Janna, Mother of Future Aircraft Mechanic

"I bought 2 copies of your book for my sons for Christmas and they really enjoyed it. My son Chris has always liked working with his hands fixing lawnmowers, cars and stuff like that.

After reading your book I pretty sure he’s going to go into this field. Thanks for helping my son get on the right path."

Shawn T., Auto Mechanic

"I’ve been working on autos for 3 years and was thinking about a change when I found your website. Your book was just what I needed to figure out if I want to become an aircraft mechanic or go for something else. Your advice is greatly appreciated."

Hernando Vega, Aircraft Structures Mechanic

"If you are thinking about going to school to be an aircraft mechanic you should definitely read The Aircraft Mechanic Career. As an aircraft mechanic myself, I wish this book would have been available when I started my own career. It would have saved me a lot of time!"

Adam, Future Aircraft Mechanic

"Your book was really good and very helpful. I also really like the aircraft mechanic practice book and the video that came with it. I’m pretty sure I want to work as an A&P, but I’m also thinking about working as a structures mechanic."

Ryszard S., Aircraft Mechanic

"Mark, here’s a picture of me standing in one of the hangars at work. I’m about to get started for the day. Yesterday I started changing the hydraulic fuses on the wings and will probably finish that up that work today.

I’ve already told quite a few people about your book. Usually people will ask me how I got into this line of work when they hear I’m an aircraft mechanic and I always tell them about your book.

In my opinion, your book is the best source of information about this career. I got a lot more from it than I did reading other books or websites. I even mentioned your book in my resume!"

Meredith F., Mother of Future Aircraft Mechanic

"My daughter was considering aircraft mechanic college so I purchased your book and gave it to her on her birthday. Sometimes my daughter has problems when it comes to making decisions, and your book really gave her a lot to think about and helped decide on this line of work."

Kaleb Garnett, Avionics Technician

"Hey Mark, this is Kaleb. I’m an Avionics Technician for (airline name removed). I’ve been here for almost 2 years and I worked at (company name removed) for a couple years before that. The pay is excellent and I’m having a blast.

Anyway I wanted to send a quick thank you message for writing and releasing your book. It was a great help when I was researching this career. I didn’t even know what avionics was until I read your book, but once I found out I knew that’s what I wanted to do."

Tye C., A&P Instructor

"Your book is great. I picked up a copy a few years ago and have since bought several copies as gifts. I think this book is invaluable for figuring out if this type of work is for you, whether you are just graduating from college or whether you are trying to reinvent your career later in life. I'm an A&P Instructor and I build aircraft in my spare time, and I now use this book with my students. I really cannot recommend it highly enough."

Mayson A., Future Aircraft Mechanic

"I have been thinking about going to school to become an aircraft mechanic for awhile now, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your book, The Aircraft Mechanic Career. Every chapter was useful, especially since I really knew nothing about this career.

I mainly bought it for the book about the A&P Certificate, and that was also a very useful guide. I’ll put it this way, it answered all of the questions I had about going to school to get my A&P.

The Aircraft Mechanic Practice Guide was awesome too! That was a great idea you had in writing that. In fact, that was the book I liked the most. That was really interesting and very, very helpful. I think out of the different jobs you went over, the A&P task was the one I was interested in the most.

I have already recommended your books to another friend of mine, and will continue to do so. I can’t wait until I can begin working as an aircraft mechanic, even though I’m not sure yet which type of mechanic I want to become. I’m still thinking about it. Oh, and your video was also great!"

Arran C., Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Apprentice

"Hi Mr. Enomy, I finished your book back in March and recently became an apprentice at (company name removed) here in the UK. I've always wanted to service airplanes, and your book was extremely helpful when I was looking for an apprenticeship. All of the points described in the book were very useful.

The work is very interesting and I'm already good at most of the tasks. Also, even though I'm new in the apprenticeship I'm already making around £650 ($850) a week which is twice what I was making working as a customer assistant in a store."